Stargate SG-1: Singularity (1997)
Season 1, Episode 14
22 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, witnessing thousands of people perished (including, one presumes, quite a few children among them), "Captain" Carter barely bats an eye. Yet, she gets all weepy and irrational about this one kid. To hell with playing a part in the battle against the most potent enemy the humanity ever faced; la doctora is instead going to basically kill herself so that this precious little girl does not spend the last three minutes of her life alone. I thought the military had some kind of psych-evaluation at the recruitment stage so as to weed out total lunatics from joining its ranks.

Apparently not.

But that's not even the most absurd part. Nay; here it is: The precious little girl doesn't die! That's right: After boring us for 40 minutes with what are meant to be emotive, poignant scenes about the sweet little girl's anguish, it all ends with her playing with a dog in a grassy field. She was missing just a butterfly net to complete the cliché. *barf* You have got to be SH!@@ING me

Yet another deus ex machina script where some 11th-hour nonsense changes the preceding 90% of the doom-and-gloom story into a "they all lived happily ever after" tripe. I have to say SG-1 really blindsided me here; I did - reasonably yet obviously foolishly - expect the kid to go KABOOM! Really anticlimactic.

I really enjoyed SG-1 until this episode. As someone else correctly noted: How can I take this series seriously ever again after this crap?! I so hope this was an aberration; otherwise I may as well can the remaining nine seasons.

Very disappointing.

Oh, and boring to boot.
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