This 'Documentary' is a fraud.
21 April 2014
The only reason this monstrosity hasn't been flogged by the long litigious arm of the DMCA is because it has flown under the radar of notability, where it thrives in the obscure fringe corners of white supremacist message boards. To add insult to injury the 'creators' of this amateur propaganda piece do not even credit the source of the musical and film pieces they have hacked off and sewn together in this childish Frankensteinesque production.

As for the historical accuracy of the narrative? None of it is sourced either. These fools may have gotten away with it if they kept it on the down low for their friends to look at on youtube, but to the extent where they are now trying to palm it off as a legitimate documentary work; I think it's time to nip this in the bud.
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