Major Thing about it is Estella Warren
20 April 2014
Interest in Estella Warren pointed me in this one's direction. Movie has a bit of a silly storyline. In the old days, really not so long ago, you'd definitely have caused trouble for suggesting that an unmarried woman is not a virgin anymore, here strife is caused by an accidental blab about the lead character's virginity. How times have changed.

No sex, no nudity, no foul language, no violence, set in gentle Sacramento, a chick flick in the truest sense. Pretty Estella Warren in the lead, all blonde mane and long, long legs that are quite often shown. Long, bare legs, at that. And lo, what's this? A decent helping of (gasp!) foot fetishism? Once that fountain scene comes up, gratuitous foot-shots totally escalates! There is also the poolside black bikini sequence that I had on slow motion just a while ago. And lots and lots of more leggy scenes, and, yes, the white toe-nail polish in that couch scene really looks scrumptious! Gasp! All these bare flesh in a chick flick! But no foul language. Except derogatory terms for men, awful creatures. Working title was 'Men Are Jerks', remember? No violence either. Unless you count Jeana stabbing director Charlie Matthau's character with a fork! (Albeit off- camera, but with a grisly sound effect!) And there is such a nasty slicing-the-cucumber scene, I wonder what Jeana was thinking of? Oh, so vicious! Hello, American Motion Picture Association, I want to file a complaint... Oh hell, just kidding, Estella's a long way off from raising any eyebrows, although with her long, long legs and soft-soled bare feet she is clearly not just playing to the chick flick regular audience, but raising more than temperatures. Kissing, cuddling, romantically it all gets pretty steamy, but only the far-out nutters will complain about this sexy movie. Then, again, there are a whole lot of far-out nutters out there filled with jealousy and rage at that black bikini scene.

For the most part, though, this movie needs something. Actual drive, actual conflict, actual drama? The storyline isn't worth three consecutive sneezes, and if the reference to midget porn is the funniest line, what does that say for the rest of the movie? The weak game is quickly given away at the very beginning with that poxy little LNELY GRL cartoon that keeps fading out to green (although the song about love making her stupid was great!)

But I do think that with a pretty girl like Estella Warren you could make a much better chick flick if the subject matter just wasn't so trivial. And hate me for saying this, but the virginity of somebody as hot as Estella has but a fleeting hope to last beyond summer. :)

Okay, the feminists are now queuing up to beat me to death. :(

If you could have a girl like Estella/Jeane or anybody like her, her virginal status would hardly matter. The point being that she's such a nice girl. Kidding her about her choice is clearly wrong, making a fuss about it, even more so. She is the wise one, after all, to wait for the right one. But virginity cannot be cherished forever, not when romance comes into the picture. All a girl can do, is hold out for real love and settle for nothing less. As indeed Jeana did.
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