Review of Her

Her (2013)
18 April 2014
Spike Jones, once again, redefines creative film-making. Forget about romantic clichés and comic super heroes, HER offers a unique and brand new film experience that is just incomprehensible.

Yes, the idea of the story is very bizarre _a man falling in love with an artificially intelligent operating system. Yes, there were a couple of weird moments in the film that staggered me, some R-rated scenes that were ruining to the emotional aesthetic, but despite that the film ultimately manages to get over its weird awkwardness to fill me with a transcendent poetic feeling of beauty…just beauty.

What I loved about HER the most is how Spike Jones was able to portray this believable futuristic technological setting while making the movie more about human emotions and relationships. In the end, the message is simple, no matter how much technology evolves to make our lives easier, it can never be a satisfying substitute for human interaction and intimacy, but despite the message being unoriginal, it is conveyed in the most creatively honest way.

Need I say anything about the performances of the film; Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johanson were nothing short of amazing. The script is piece of literature, the art direction and cinematography are breathtaking, and what stands out the most is the incredible score of Arcade fire, which distinguished the film from Spike Jones' previous works; it's really the watermark of the film.

Everything about HER was thought-provoking and awkward, yet there is a subtle sense of beauty in the film that surpasses everything else. It's one of these timeless films that need to be revisited in order to fully experience its beauty, it will definitely be remembered for a very long time.
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