Trio con brio
16 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Thierry Klifa is, in one way, a throwback; back in the Fifties a small band of journalists peeled off one by one from Cahiers du Cinema and began making movies which induced orgasm in people who should have known better, although on the other hand they WERE the Academic-Pseud axis so nuff said. Klifa spent 11 years writing for Studio, a French film magazine aimed at people who actually LIKE cinema rather than those who see it as a short cut to a job on the faculty of backstream universities. So far Klifa has produced four mainstream movies all highly entertaining but he began with this short (25 minute) gem which in some ways is a prototype for his first full-length effort Une vie a t'attendre in which co-screenwriter Crhistopher Thompson contrived to have Patrick Buel REJECT Nathalie Baye in favor of the actress who, in real life, is Thompson's wife, which is the only reason he can be forgiven. Here, Klifa not only uses two of the same actors from his feature debut but even gives them the same names, respectively Emilie and Julien. The third person is Sandrine Kiberlain as Lea, who has just moved in with Julien, who, in a fit of carelessness, forgets to tell her that he's leaving her. More than worth a look, but with Darrieux involved do you really need telling.
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