Not your typical zombie flick that's one thing for sure
15 April 2014
Harold is the first man to suffer a new disease called O.R.D., which brings on a state of rigor mortis rendering the sufferers zombie-like. A well-meaning nurse befriends him but the onset of the disease makes him a target for a group of vigilantes who feel that killing these 'zombies' is a service to society.

This mega low budget horror comedy has to be given some credit for at least being a little bit different. Its focus is really on the relationship between Harold and his nurse, as opposed to typical gory zombie mayhem. So much so that this only just qualifies as a horror flick at all. The zombies never really threaten to any proper extent and only exist in the periphery of events. The film utilises a mockumentary format which works in its favour really, allowing for mock-seriousness which contributes to the humour quite a bit. But overall I can't say I found it very funny to be fair and would describe it as more amusing than hilarious. But perhaps the biggest surprise about this one is its surprising emotional resonance. This is certainly helped a lot by the good acting by the two leads; we really go along with their characters and feel for both of them. It's actually even all a bit depressing by the end which is hardly what you're expecting to get going into a flick called Harold's Going Stiff! But if I am honest I would have to rate this one as pretty middling overall. It has originality but it is somewhat slight at the same time, meaning it's an interesting low budget effort but a bit uneven all the same.
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