Wannabe Gangster flick that fails miserably, total failure and a disgrace to Italians.
10 April 2014
This film is the reason I finally created a IMDb account, just so I can warn fellow gangster film fans not be fooled by the title or the cast. The main protagonist is the writer and director of the movie, I realized that in the first few minutes as the titles were rolling, usually that is a bad sign but I didn't have much to do so actually watched this crap til the end... I don't know how I did it. Maybe it was the odd characters popping up every now and then, a couple of them from Scarface and few other big productions, I'm not sure if this was a serious film or a satire... the main character took himself so seriously it was a joke, as people have mentioned, he loved swearing just for the sake of it, most of it was barking with no bite, the Italian that was being spoken was even worse and the stereotypical characters.. LOL.. I still can't get over the "Russians", and if you hear some of the jokes spread throughout the film you will just be cringing.. and one more thing, the main guys hair issues.....enuff said. If you are a aspiring filmmaker or actor and want to see how NOT to do things and maybe have a laugh watch this, otherwise just steer away from this shipwreck.

Ninjaedit: Just went through all the positive reviews for this film, every single one has only reviewed this film only, nothing else. I get the feeling Frank D'Angelo sits down in front of his computer every night, creates a few IMDb accounts and adds a few more reviews. Frank... Well done, you have the system totally worked out.. Gangster!!! LOL
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