Star Trek: Spock's Brain (1968)
Season 3, Episode 1
Don't judge the series by this one poor episode.
6 April 2014
As a fan of the series I have always felt a since of pleasure when viewing episodes of the original Star Trek series. However, this one episode goes beyond-the-pale of logic to create a show that is unworthy of such an enjoyable program. Let us just hope that people will not judge the entire series collection by this one poor offering.

It actually starts off rather interesting when some chick materializes on the bridge of the Enterprise and begins pushing some buttons on her wrist-band that looks like something Isis would wear. After each push of her wrist buttons, the entire crew of the Enterprise on all decks would become unconscious. Upon awakening from their state, the crew found that someone had stolen Spock's brain. And for some silly reason Spock is still alive but is absolutely brainless (no pun intended).

Anyway Captain Kirk is determined to find Spock's brain and replace it back into Spock's head. And since McCoy advises that Spock can only live a few hours without a brain, he rigs Spock's body with some kind of mechanism that will allow the body to be controlled by a box that can have Spock's body do some incredible stunts. So they take the body down to the planet to find the chick that stole the brain.

If you believe the first part of the show was silly just wait till you view the second half. You find Spock's brain protected by the chick that was on the Enterprise and her sisters, you have Kirk able to communicate orally with Spock's brain, you have Spock's brainless body able to wrestle one of the girls for control of an object and then McCoy get a helmet of knowledge. All way too daffy for even a fan of the series to comprehend.

Do not judge the series by this one episode. This episode was hard to watch for even the most avid fan of the Star Trek name. I'm just glad that there are very few poor episodes. This just happens to be the worse of the worse.
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