South Park: Up the Down Steroid (2004)
Season 8, Episode 2
Scorching Satire, Painful Truths -- Even More Powerful Today Than It Was Ten Years Ago!!!
1 April 2014
When I heard about the shooting of beautiful South African supermodel Reeva Steenkamp by amputee athlete Oscar Pistorius, the first thing that went through my mind was "SOUTH PARK predicted this tragedy years ago."

Even though there's a great deal of humor in this episode -- watching wordless Timmy try to narc on Jimmy -- watching Eric Cartman con his mother about his need to learn compassion for the handicapped ("help me change. Please?") -- and best of all, watching Cartman prepare himself to go "undercover" as a mentally challenged kid by watching Kid Rock clown around in one of his lame rap videos -- the most unforgettable scene is where Jimmy, hopped up on steroids, flies into a psychotic rage and brutally beats his helpless girlfriend, to the accompaniment of tragic violins. SOUTH PARK made the moment melodramatic and funny, in a dark and twisted way, but today it seems only too perceptive and prophetic.

SOUTH PARK is a show that has truly proved to be ahead of its time.
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