The Angry Aging Feminist Answer To Strip Clubs...
28 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When older guys (those who aren't rich & famous like Jack Nicholson, that is) want to believe that they are still attractive to hot young women, they go to places like strip clubs or, ' Hooters ', & indulge their fantasies, at least as long as their time & money last. Yet deep-down everyone knows that it's all just a temporary illusion.

But when angry aging feminists want to believe that they are still attractive to younger men, they write/direct/star in/support movies like 2003's, ' S.G.t.G. ", in which they too can temporarily live out their own fantasies.

In reality, however, no man with a heartbeat would EVER willingly choose to be with a 2003 version of Diane Keaton, over a 2003 version of Amanda Peet (who is hardly A-List fantasy material herself).

Now perhaps in the big picture, this reality is somewhat unjust.

But, as the old saying goes, Life's Not Fair.

Yet these angry aging feminists are so incapable of accepting this reality, that their only recourse is to try & project their desperate wishful-thinking forcefully enough, so that someone else actually buys into it.

And before anyone bares their fangs & claws, and bites my head off, just please answer me this one question:

Back when Keaton was at her peak, both in terms of her looks, and her popularity, and was starring in hit films opposite Hollywood's top male stars of that era (Al Pacino in, ' The Godfather ', Woody Allen in, ' Annie Hall ', Richard Gere in, ' Looking for Mr. Goodbar ', Etc.), can you please list for me just ONE (1) time that she herself played a character who lost her leading man to an older woman???

-I Didn't Think So.

So let's please not be hypocrites here, ladies...

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