Review of Metalhedz

Metalhedz (2014– )
Decent enough effort, some crackin jokes and likable characters
27 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First off you can tell straight away that this is an amateur effort but by no means is it a poor one. You can see as the episodes progress the quality of the production improving in the framing of the shots and lighting. The jokes are a bit hit and miss at times but mostly hits. The best characters by far are Skull and Tails, Skull is a love or hate kind of character though personally I find him pretty funny even if the accent is a bit hard to understand sometimes. Tails is cute and I love the little geeky references she has on her t-shirts or that she says, I find her pretty interesting and would like to see more of her character but not to the point where she monopolises the show. The whole Ginge/Chloe love story is interesting but I don't think there's enough time spent on it, it feels like more focus is on showing that Ginge is a douche than actually showing how he's managing to win over Chloe. I suppose with such short episodes there's only so much you can do.

All in all I think it's a good effort from all those involved, there's clearly been a lot of hard work gone into this and even though I'm not a 'metalhead' myself I still enjoy watching these characters at the pub and trying badly to chat up girls.

Funny and has a lot of potential so here's hoping if there's a Season 2 they manage to improve the few faults that there is.
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