So close...
23 March 2014
You know, I feel a bit guilty giving this a mark below my 'level of acceptance' (which is 6) since I did enjoy it. But there are a few small niggles, mostly related to unanswered questions about the killer's motivation and background, which stop me just short. It sets them up, drops a lot of hints... only to fail to follow through on them, so your average viewer will feel slightly confused as to why they were raised in the first place. A shame.

It starts off with five kids heading to a remote mountain lodge, along with a self-conscious narrator who successfully predicts they're destined for trouble. One of the number is an incredibly shrill girl who won't stop jumping around and yelling. After a few minutes of this, I wanted the slasher to turn her into shish kebab. Amazing... my prayers were answered. That's what I admire about Blood Cabin... it soon disposes of all the extraneous characters, leaving us free to concentrate on the main chase: which is between the owner of the building, and the only member of the group with any brains... a spunky brunette.

The murderer here is an everyday kinda guy... He sneaks around using secret passages, cleans up the rubbish his visitors leave lying about, stops to have a scoop or two of ice cream... before stabbing, disemboweling, clobbering his unwelcome guests. It's a great role for Allen Andrews, and the fact he treats each victim with studied nonchalance while ripping them to shreds just adds to the aura of fear around him. He's a family man, who regards slaying as just a normal occupation. As you do.

We also see tantalising clues as to why he's such a suppressed maniac. A 7th Birthday cake splattered with blood. An preoccupation with the sound of bees humming. An unfortunate perverted desire to dress up grown ladies as schoolgirls before doing... stuff to them. All these could have been meshed together to form a fascinating backstory... but nope, they're just hanging there will no rope to attach them together. Oh well. A near miss. 5/10
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