Pink Streaker (1975)
Has its moments, but for the Pink Panther it's underwhelming
22 March 2014
While Pink Panther fans may be, mostly likely to be, disappointed by Pink Streaker, they might find value in it still. Because while it is underwhelming and is nowhere near Pinky at his best it still has moments. The animation while kept very simple is still colourful and not too sparsely drawn, there is very little that can be said bad of the design of Pinky and the Little Man. The music doesn't disappoint either, the theme tune has lost none of its timeless value(for one that has been heard so many times) and the accompanying music in the cartoon itself fits beautifully, a very jazzy style that doesn't bog things down at all. The ending is very amusing as is the part when the Little Man is thawed, and you do feel some sympathy for the Little Man. Pinky is a likable character and he and the Little Man work fine with each other but the comedy isn't strong enough for his comic timing to come through, he has been much funnier before. He doesn't do a whole lot that is varied, much of it reads too much of just doing one or two things over and over. The story is paced routinely and does feel rather predictable(with Pinky behaving in a somewhat repetitive way here), most Pink Panther cartoons are but most with cleverer gags, the ending provides a big bright spot that you wish the rest of the cartoon was like that. The humour in Pink Streaker is lacking too, not without moments but there is not much imagination here, the timing does feel stretched in some gags and then there are other gags that veer on bizarre like agreed the one with the donut. Overall, underwhelming but has its moments. Not really recommended but a long way from a must-avoid. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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