It Evens Out
22 March 2014
This DVD is not so bad.

If you are a fan of really over the line super dark comedy there are a few bits in this DVD that you will think are funny but Obv. this kind of comedy is not for everyone. You would not want to give this to your gram-my-gram for her 60th birthday or she might listen to it, have a heart attack and die.

I like dark comedy and I have seen this guy live in fact that is the only way I know this man and this DVD. I think he makes them and sells them by his self.

He is very dark. I agree with your review that a lot of the time he does the dark side stuff and does not deliver on the laughs but other times I did find myself laughing so over all it all evens out for me. What do you expect for ten bucks? It's maybe even cheaper if he sells them for download.
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