Not sure what all the hullabaloo is about this average episode.
19 March 2014
I am not sure what all the hullabaloo is about this episode and the reviews that want to argue a person's feeling about a show. Some people will like this show and some will not- that happens in about all shows when viewed by different people. if we all had the same review it would be a poor world.

In this episode the Enterprise responds for help from an federation outpost that are viewing the progression of a mild Vulcan like people called the Mintakins. The Mintakins are a developing people that have progressed as far as crossbows and fire. But when a power failure happens the hologram, the outpost was using, disappears and two of the Mintakins are witness to the federation power. When one of the Mintakins becomes injured, he is carried to the Enterprise for medical service. However erasing the memory fails and he can remember Captain Picard on the Enterprise and believes that Picard is a god that he has heard stories about. Now Picard has to think of a way to prove that he is no god to the Vulcan like people.

The first part of the episode was very entertaining and then for some reason the show slowed so much that the viewer was losing interest. There is nothing really wrong with this episode but became slow which ruined the experience of the first twenty minutes of the show. It seems there are strong emotions where you either love or hate this episode. I find this episode about average.
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