American Dad!: The One That Got Away (2008)
Season 4, Episode 2
The One That Got Away Review
17 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Arguably the best American Dad episode I've ever watched, the plotting, twists and voice acting were all top notch. Delving deep into Roger's twisted facade we see he truly is a fractured being, but deep down a decent one. His use of security passwords to cover up his earlier mistakes is a masterstroke. From the off, we're thrown deep into a world of double speak and deceit, but once roger knuckles down and tries to find who is ruining his life, he realizes only one person can be at fault. The reveal isn't obvious, but all the signs are there from the start, the writers do an excellent job to pace the episode. With well timed jokes from his neighbors and showing roger's affections for a store clerk. The length at which Roger decides to go to steal something so trivial is a joy to behold and stamps his character into TV Folklore. The B story ties in minimally, but is passably funny which is what it needs to be as a lot of time was needed to Flesh out the excellent A-story. A definite viewing for newcomers to the series.
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