The other 'F" word
15 March 2014
I am going to need to use letters to describe specifically offensive words which Hollywood seems bent on using which IMDb police wont allow in their review even though I am making a very specific just point. You'd think we were in grade school. Why is it that Hollywood feels like its still okay to use the other "F" word (derogatory name for a homosexual)and steers clear of all the other slurs? "F" is still the one socially accepted slur. We all heard it in Wolf Of Wall Street along with plenty of other offense and violence directed at the only gay character. In that one Scorsese made the actual choice of having the characters use the "other F" word quite a few times but when it came to a character using the "N" word, he actually referred to it as "N" word. Why one and not the other. If you are going to be politically correct then you need to do so across the border.

And now Wes Anderson...You'd accept more from a "hipster". I thought they were supposed to be liberal. Oh the hypocrisy. The audience would not have stood for the "N" word being used as it did because they are "just" and "socially conscious" yet they rolled around and laughed at the other F" word. Oh the hypocritical fools. All hipster of them. Ignorant fools.
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