Breaking Bad: Rabid Dog (2013)
Season 5, Episode 12
Rabid Dog - The calm before the storm
14 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Tension and suspense filled the air after "confessions" aired. we all wanted to know whether Jesse has been pushed completely over the edge and set fire to the house. Well he did get pushed over the edge but fortunately for Walt and his family Hank was tailing him since Saul's office. this means that even if Jesse didn't have his epiphany at the end of the last episode he might have not been able to leave. Nevertheless this tension-filled episode opened with one of the most intense scenes this season with Walt desperately searching his house with his 38 snub in his hand looking for Jesse. With Jesse not being here Walt thought that maybe Jesse had a change of heart. this not being the case again as Hank storms in and holds a gun at Jesse telling him to back down. Both Dean Norris and Aaron Paul's acting here was brilliant as usual. Aaron really knows how to play a mentally broken young man. Walt returns to his usual lying state again as he plays away the gasoline all over the house with a pump explosion. neither Skyler or Walt JR believes him. this means that Walts defences are beginning to crack which i think will have serious consequences in the last 4 episodes. my favourite line in this episode has to be Walt when he says "you,re full of colourful metaphors aren't you Saul" when Saul offers the possibility of Jesse being sent to Belize. i also loved the shot of Saul in the darkness of the car in this scene which probably is mirroring his intention for Jesse. I also liked the fatherly embrace between Walt and his son in front of the symbolic blue-sky coloured pool. Jesse is now fully with hank here by doing a evidence tape and wearing a wire to his meet with Walt. I adored the paranoid atmosphere at the end with Jesse as neither he nor we knew that the tall bald man standing near Walt was an assassin. I believe that the full push towards the end of the series started with this episodes final moments "i think i may have another job for your uncle" which will set Todd's ruthless family on Hank and Jesse which will have disastrous consequences and i can't wait. Overall this episode gets a 9 for me as the pacing was fairly slow but the beginning and end made up for it. Bring on the next episode.
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