It's OK
12 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Brothers Jim and Walter (Bob Hope, Jack Whiting) are both in love with the same woman, Nancy (Betty Grable). Nancy's ugly duckling sister Letty (Martha Raye) is friends with Jim and in love with Walter. So Jim and Letty conspire to get her with Walter so Jim can have Nancy. Predictably, Jim and Letty will realize they are right for each other instead of their siblings.

Decent romantic comedy is no great shakes but watchable. Hope is good, if restrained. This was before he really found his groove. Whiting is forgettable and bland. Martha Raye is OK but oddly enough I found her serious parts better than her comedy. I've never been crazy about her brand of comedy, which is mostly physical slapstick. Betty's pretty and gets to sing & dance some, but her character is wholly unlikable. Still, she's probably the best reason to recommend you see this. Oh, and I'll agree with another reviewer that Raye winning a best legs contest in a movie with Betty Grable is pretty hard to swallow.
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