Daddy's Little Girl (II) (2014)
Every parents worst nightmare
9 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In it's starting, you really think you're in for a good quality drama, which later, sadly, gives way to some of the most tortuous, hard to stomach violence, I've seen, there's a lot. But don't get me wrong, on the other side of that token, the culprit in question, which becomes a devastating blow of shock, as being family, where in the back of mind here and there, I suspected him, deserves everything he gets. This movie opens your eyes to a lot of things, about how precious children are. Shot in Queensland, this film, worse than any horror movie, I must say, suffers from a bad script and mostly laughable overacting, unconvincing, but embarrassing too, although the three leads are genuinely quite good, especially the father. When acted at the start by these three, it was more naturalistic acting that really worked. A father who's baby girl is snatched, stumbles onto the truth while at the party of the younger brother, where in the previous six months, he's dealt with the grief and unbearable pangs of heartache, after losing his little angel. Blaming the wife for not properly fixing the window, I'm on his side, where watching this film, I really hope that this a pre warning to parents out there to ensure little jobs like this are dealt with. The killer too has kept a sick diary of horrid details, not just about killing his niece, but other little kids too. When the torture starts, let me warn you, it's very graphic, if underestimated, much like the victims of the Asian torture porn flick, Grotesque, as so what's left of the state of this victim too. There's very funny moments too, which this avenging father, during torture session, 101, thanks to some of the dialogue, which I must say is pretty ordinary, if stereotyped. Watching just how much pain, this poor ba..ard, endures, had me wondering what that really feel like. How much pain, can a guy endure, and let me tell me tell you, he does a lot of squirming. The plucking out tooth scene, had me licking my teeth to confirm if I still had em', it was the most unbearably visual moment. Daddy's Little Girl shows a lot of promise early, but in it's neat hour, it's resorts to such sick and reprehensible violence, to illustrate the points and consequences of about being a child murderer and paedophile, where real justice even though excessive, in my opinion, is warranted and truly justified, where many of the film's viewers who have kids will feel that way, too.
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