Star Trek: Enterprise: The Crossing (2003)
Season 2, Episode 18
Predictable episode, boring conclusion
7 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As the other reviewers said, it was a predictable episode. It's not unlike the episode of TNG where Troi, Data and O'Brien are possessed by ghostlike beings trapped on a planet. Here it's ghosts in a ship trying to take over all the bodies on Enterprise.

The first plot hole is when they decide they can defeat the non- corporeal beings by killing the host body. T'Pol says it will be like they are in space, they will die. We have already seen the beings travel through space from their ship to Enterprise and it doesn't kill them, so the explanation doesn't make sense.

Secondly, the crew members in the catwalk are shielded from possession but Trip is possessed anyway. Did the beings find a way through? Or was he simply still possessed from earlier in the episode and had been pretending to be okay for the middle of the episode? Never explained.

Third, when the beings take over the crew members, we see the crew members' "soul" or whatever leave the body and take flight, becoming non-corporeal as well. So if Archer's final plan involves killing the host body and driving out the evil beings, how can he be sure that the crew members' soul will come back to its body once the body is revived? How can he be sure that the evil being won't hang around and come back to the body once it's revived? Especially since the being inside Trip knew what the plan was; kill the host, drive out the possessing spirit, then revive the body for the crew member to return. What's to keep the evil spirit from returning first?

The ending was all very rushed. I also wondered why Phlox was acting so strange towards the end of the episode. Counting out loud as if he's never read English before, asking how to open a hatch and how to turn a handle and what to with the hatch once it's released, to which Archer says "I don't know, set it on the ground or something." Phlox seems to lack basic life skills which is exactly how the aliens act. Were we supposed to suspect he might be possessed? Not answered.
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