A chance to see a very young Eva Gabor.
1 March 2014
"Forced Landing" is a cheaply made film that doesn't have a lot to recommend it. However, at the same time, for what it is, it's pretty good and entertaining. Plus, it gives you a chance to see a young Eva Gabor--and she looks so amazingly different from the lady who later starred on "Green Acres"! The film is set in the fictional Pacific nation of Mosaque. Oddly, the residents all look Mexican--especially the leader of the revolutionary forces (J. Carrol Naish). I am not sure why they didn't place the film in Central America or perhaps the Caribbean, as there are no places even remotely like Mosaque in the Pacific. This isn't really a complaint--just an observation.

Dan Kendall (Richard Arlen) is an American who inexplicably has joined the Mosaque air force. Considering his dislike for the dictator, the Colonel, it is odd. Obviously he loves to fly and this ends up nearly costing Dan his life. During the course of the film, he ends up meeting and falling in love with Johanna Van Deuren (Eva Gabor)--the Colonel's girlfriend! Considering he's a despot, you can assume this will eventually unleash the Colonel's wrath. What exactly happens next, you'll have to see for yourself.

This is a decent adventure movie. Nothing more, nothing less. But I did enjoy it and felt it was a decent time-passer.
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