Would you believe...?
28 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This was an Italian-Soviet co-production, which should have made for an interesting production process. It also appears as if both countries must have thrown huge portions of their budgets in, as the film looks incredibly expensive.

Which is part of the issue with it. The plot concept (a bunch of Italians here that there is some buried treasure in Russia; they go there to look for it and are followed by an undercover cop -- that's it) is extremely simple and basically serves as a frame on which to hang some huge, outlandish, and probably extremely expensive set-pieces, such as an airliner driving along the highway, cars jumping over each other, filling stations blowing up, lions roaming the streets of Leningrad, and more.

These are all fun and diverting to watch, but as one movie they don't completely hang together. And they push out of they way much of what would have been there in terms of a plot or well-defined characters. I've seen two other Eldar Ryazanov films and in these regards this is nothing like them -- I suspect maybe the huge amounts of time and money that must have been poured into this movie limited him.

In a sense it's of a kind with other big-scale chase/heist movies of the 60s and 70s (and their renaissance with films like Rat Race), but it's not the best of all of them and remains fun basically on the one level.

Antonia Santilli is a delight to watch, though, not least because she seems completely amused by everything that happens the whole time. And Andrey Mironov is extremely talented, even if the fast pace doesn't give him as many opportunities as it could to display that.

In all, a fun movie that's very impressive for its big-scale stunt scenes and is never boring, but not much beyond that.
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