Beyond awesome
27 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is very underrated and is quite frankly, one of the most interesting Sci-fi films out there. It brings something new and original to the table and doesn't have all the clichés that other films that take place in the future have. It has cars, guns, explosions, and Darren Mcgavin. This might actually be the best 1980s film I've ever seen, and probably the best film on the worst list. Firebird 2015 has a lot of decent actors, a simple but creative storyline, and freaking' cars! This is a movie that should definitely be watched at least once. I think that the soundtrack id pretty awesome as well. The song during the racing scene and the climax was beyond epic in every way known to man. So was the song that played at the beginning of the movie.
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