WoW I Have seen crap before but....
27 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
i had seen the trailer for this film and said to myself, 'meh maybe'. Then i downloaded the rental and within the first half hour i realized things had gone awry and were only going to get worse.

the top three things terribly wrong with this nonsensical tripe, which landed in some production office on the desk of an uncreative moron who said to themselves 'my god this will be brilliant!', are as follows.

1. These characters are one dimensional on a good day. Also as you sit through it you're not relating to them as characters but are forced to try and relate to some god awful fictional idea of a character picked out of a box for a philosophical discussion of who to save in an end of the world type event. Do you see what I am getting at? "no?" OK. They are already characters in a fictional film, that have NOT been developed so you don't care about them right off the back. However they pick professions, out of box to help them with this last day of philosophy class scenario and then we develop a story around that. If I didn't care about them before WHY would I care about these livelihoods that they are making up in a classroom. I am running out of characters so it is just poor character development and story.

2. THERE IS NOTHING AT STAKE! Watch the movie, and tell me if these students, who you have formed no real relation with (when i say relation i mean a viewer's relation to what's being watched. a good writer captivates and intrigues with his dynamic characters and dialog....key term"a good writer"), the students have nothing to lose by walking out of the class on the last day of school. They have already been accepted to a college, (as anyone who attended a high school would know at this point in a school year) they are all passing (according to professor asshole), so leaving a discussion that is 'leaving a bad image of the class' in your mind wouldn't hurt you. Despite the teacher's vain efforts to make you think otherwise.

3. Petra is the A+ in this class, then the bar for academic achievement in a philosophy class is LOW. Her attempt to make the third scenario work is RIDICULOUS....I found myself yelling at the screen because i had already sat through 3/4 of the film and thought it would redeem itself. IT DIDN'T.

Overall i have seen a lot of crap in my lifetime. Yet nothing made me seek out the IMDb page to leave a scathing review. On a positive note they are an attractive cast. I like a lot of these actors it is not really their fault but the fault of the writer who thought his/her experience in a philosophy class would be worth the time to watch. I would've rather pushed a school bus of kittens and infants off a cliff AT GUN POINT then have to sit through this slop ever again.

Also DANIEL ANDREWS, who gave 10/10, you and this film make me hate PHILOSOPHY!
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