D.E.A. (2008– )
Entertaining, but BS...
24 January 2014
The DEA is actually one of the largest importers of Cocaine in the country this show is full of hypocrisy as they bust street dealers and mid level mules and middle men... while simultaneously help smuggle drugs. Between 2000 and 2012 the DEA has helped the Sinaloa Cartel smuggle drugs and also provided the cartel with high powered weapons. This was done so the cartel provides information of other cartels - pretty much allowing all criminal activities of the Sinaloa Cartel go unpunished. El Universal, a news agency in Mexico has released court documents which show many cartel members walking free from long jail sentences because they were members of the Sinaloa Cartel. In light of all this, I watch in Amazement as this show puts normal people in jail some just for receiving packages with marijuana in them, and agents feel like they are providing a public service, but in reality, they are just as guilty as all the drug dealers in the show since their own organization allows these drugs to reach these mules and street level dealers to begin with. The Drug War is just one big joke, a money fueled machine that doesn't actually stop drugs, and helps to lock up a bunch of people and just create violence in our communities. Violence between rival dealers, violence between police and dealers, violence between criminals and innocent by-standards. And now we get a kick out of watching it all on our television!!! lol Kudos America!!!
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