Buck Wild (2013)
A beginner level zombie movie which stumbles, doesn't run, with a goof-ball script and pot-shots of humour
23 February 2014
Knowing nothing of BuckWild, I was left guessing in the first 10 minutes as to it being a student film or a spoof. Firstly due to the try hard accent of Jarrod Pistilli; a down town "New Yawker" hardman crossed with Tackleberry from Police Academy type, who supplements his Soprano accent by referring to everyone as 'boss'. Such was my distraction that I was continually thrown outside of the film. Suitably frustrated, I started looking up IMDb to see what the deal was.

Secondly and unfortunately not being a bullet to the head, the lingering, painful, un- comic like labouring of the main 'badass' local gang leader as he likes to be referred to but is otherwise as delightfully English as a cup of tea, could be a splendidly abstract contrast to the other small town America characters and therefore improve the films comic sensibilities. However, both inadequately portrayed characters just serve to further underpin this peripheral comedy zombie flick.

Bashing over; Joe Stevens ( Gilbert Grape etc) plays a typical booze addled aggressive hick land owner who is only slightly upset by the generous and ever compromising affections his daughter gives to any arriving fresh meat. Despite the limitations of such a backwards character, Joe's delivery offers respite and a safe house to film viewers from the continual onslaught of bad acting. Against the low production values, the film steps it up with confident editing, comic book transitions and timely cuts from graphic violence and lengthy zombie close ups, (I imagine as a result of a limited budget and to keep its humorous momentum).

The story does not need explanation as it doesn't break the "run its a zombie run" mould and can be confidently summed up as a survivor tale with guns, over\undersexed teenagers, hash brownies and the ubiquitous "car hitting something on a darkened road scene" - which to the seemingly vision impaired central characters, happens no less than 3 times in this movie.

As a B horror zombie comedy (aren't they all?) a blend of its inadequacies should charm enough to lift it out of the pile. I can say, having survived this until the end ;the goofy dialogue, semi fresh takes and comic playfulness (some unintended) eventually starts working, just. In particular, the scene with a doped up zombie giving relationship advice is rather funny. Yes, a "doped up Zombie giving relationship advice" - enough said.

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