Bunnyman (2011)
painful to watch
16 January 2014
Oh. My. God.

I like bad movies. I really do. Even if they're laughably bad, or have unintentional humor, I can find something to like, that make it worth sitting through the flick to the end. Whether somewhat recent, such as "Aliens vs Avatars" (2011), or ancient history, such as "The Giant Claw" (1957), I could find plenty to like and laugh about in a movie, no matter how bad it might be.

Unfortunately, "Bunnyman" had no such redeeming qualities, except maybe the cute bunny-costume on the title character, and the incredibly hot Cheryl Texiera who's a pleasure to ogle, umm, watch.

From the beginning, "Bunnyman" became almost too painful to watch, and only got worse. I don't think I ever, in any slasher flick, actually HOPED the "good" characters would meet their demise, but in this case, they were just so painfully stoooooopid that I found myself rooting for the Bunnyman, if only to make the movie stop! Their actions throughout the movie were akin to lighting a match in a dark cellar to find where's the leak in the gas main. You're left open-mouthed in utter disbelief. I can't imagine any twentysomethings with more than two brain-cells to rub together, to do what these kids did in the movie.

I don't care about plot-holes that can be explained away reasonably, and I don't pick apart movies because they may have featured a 1972 Datsun, or a radio was playing a top-10 hit from 1971, when the movie would be ostensibly set in 1970, but, oh lordy, without getting into spoilers, these characters could win the Nobel Prize for stupidity.

Watch this movie, if only to experience what might be one of the truly worst movies you'll ever come across. At least you'll appreciate actually GOOD bad-movies!
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