doesn't even deserve a review
16 February 2014
If not for the VHS rental craze this "series of still pictures" (I hate to call it a movie) would be crumbling to dust somewhere as it sorely deserves. Why was it made in the first place? In 1981 anyone with a camera and film could call upon an army of capable stunt men who would work for tips. No script or budget was needed. It was made up on the spot and only needed a few words of dialog to tie the fights together. Despite all that it often comes down to - so how good are the fights? The fights are simply competent at best because they were copied from other movies such as the part in the training sequence where the hero is harnessed like a horse and acts like a horse. Sammo Hung did that before and he was actually funny. Despite the competence, the editing and film speed make the fights look askew. The only possible reason to watch this would be what Dr. Craig D. Reed pointed out in his book "The Ultimate Guide to Martial Arts Movies of the 1970s". Movies can have "a moment". The good ones always have a moment and even the bad ones can have that moment that rises above. If this movie has one, I missed it and I'm not watching again to find it.
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