The spitfire meets her match.
14 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Once again setting a hotel on its ear, the same group of wacky characters are back with a few additions. This could be the reason why those characters don't ask Haven't we all been through this before? The role of Dennis Lindsay is now being played bY Buddy Rogers and he isn't any more dynamic than Donald Woods. The silly premise has Lord Epping over-hearing Rogers and Lupe Velez discussing possible adoption and he takes it upon himself to adopt a war orphan for them who turns out to be cotton-candy haired Marion Martin as a 20-something French girl! Her presence causes all sorts of confusion for the three couples involved in the plot and also involves suspicious hotel manager Zasu Pitts and Martin's jealous protector Fritz Feld. Velez has less to do than normal while plot developments give Elisabeth Risdon and Lydia Hillbrook deeper characterizations. A slapstick duel between Leon Errol and Feld concludes the film, complete with wacky sound effects.
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