Review of Creature

Creature (1985)
Suspenseful Monster Attack Nightmare in Outer Space!
10 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This show gives the audience an honest attempt at a crisis-type movie like: Airport, Poseidon Adventure, Earthquake, and others in outer space where it tries to imitate but only to a degree the Aliens theme. It has decent acting and convincing settings. There are harsh conditions successfully portrayed- ironically with the too dim photography and low lighting used in certain scenes (imagine how turbulent conditions would be on some planets) but this is a well-intended effect and not because, as some viewers claim, it might be a low-budget B movie. There is lots of edgy friction between the astronauts, and scary suspense. Several mishaps put together including a surprise appearance by Klaus Kinsky, which is set as another angle to the story, happen to the crew that seem impossible to cope with in this show and holds the audience in tension. There are disturbing occurrences going on, in part because of the volatile nature of the planet Titan where this all takes place. There is a scene which eerily, although graphically, emphasizes a female crew member's physique because of the bizarre occurrences happening in this unstable atmosphere of Saturn's moon. This scene is a realistic, yet important, attempt that the movie makes at demonstrating the possibly intoxicating effects on people of the poisonous atmosphere there on active but unknown Titan which the mission crew have to deal with--just as authentic and technically-minded as a science fiction story by Robert Heinlein might have been written. The enemy monster in this show is reminiscent of an alien villain monster from Gerry Andersen's: "Steve Zodiac's Fireball XL -5", a science fiction television puppet show in the 1960's. Same sinister approaching movements although these actions are blurred a bit, but this monster is made on a larger scale of course. Movies like this one often times succeed in making Outer Space appear as believable to viewers as a dystopia would make them shudder in dread. At the end of the film during the credits is some very good sound system music played which fits the mood of Creature well. Creature is probably an underrated, and maybe under appreciated, film for this science fiction genre. It is a show very much worthy of you trying out!
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