True Detective: Who Goes There (2014)
Season 1, Episode 4
Just awesome
10 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I was waiting for THIS type of TV show. Where you can find masterpiece suspense, good drama.

Maybe first two episodes were not a lot of action, then come up binding third. It just swallow me up at the end of Cohle's monologue. But it was just a beginning. This episode starts with little pressure on you with scene with Charlie. At this time you almost know this two cop-buddies. But this episode will knock your imagination of what you know 'bout them and at the same time your balls. Suspense escalates with emotions of Hart and little secrets of Rust. By the time they arrive to biker's club, you'll be ready. AND THIS 15-16 minutes will show the true power of script and job of all crew. Soundtrack, which was was one of the main reasons to watch this are getting darker and darker, and discover this show at it's finest. And I'm ain't talking about the last 7-minute one-shot scene. You know what?! I began to doubt Breaking Bad the forthcoming victory at the Emmys 2014.
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