Review of The Prodigy

The Prodigy (2009)
The worst. The absolute worst.
9 February 2014
Anybody that gave this movie more than two stars is trolling. I have seen many films derided as the worst in existence, and let me tell you: This is the absolute worst. There are literally no redeeming qualities in this movie whatsoever.

Animation: Looks like it was done in Poser. The cut scenes in Final Fantasy VII had better graphics.

Plot: Dumb, predictable and boring.

Voice acting: Stiff and lifeless.

Characters: Differing between bland and annoying as f***. Jar-Jar Binks cannot hold a candle to the panda master.

The ONLY possible redemption this movie might offer is some of the set pieces, but that will be squandered completely when you see the complete void of inspiration that are the jade, silver and gold rooms, one of which, I kid you not, is decorated with a giant down-to-the-details ripoff of the Mortal Kombat logo.

The ONLY reason anyone should watch this is to increase your tolerance for pain. All of my friends question how I can sit through Battlefield Earth, The Last Airbender, Movie 43 and 2016: Obama's America without ever once wanting to gnaw my own leg off, and the truth is that those movies are all masterpieces compared to The Prodigy.

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