Banshee: The Truth About Unicorns (2014)
Season 2, Episode 5
Worst Banshee episode so far by far
8 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This episode just wasn't Banshee. They tried something new or different but it didn't fit the show. In the past whenever they wanted to stress the emotional side of it all, look into the characters, they made up for it with the usual amount and style of Banshee's action and tension. Not this time. It was basically a 2 character episode, no Proctor, no Amish, no natives. We're forced to watch "Lucas" and "Carrie" on their little road trip with all their dreams and internal anticipations and of course some flashbacks. Maybe it's just me but at times I couldn't even tell whose day dream it was I had to suffer through. The episode was slow and lame. The field shots were pretty cool but that's about it. The nudity reached a new level of pointlessness. The music was as annoying as the cuts. Please stop this madness and bring back the raw Banshee with more of it's awesome characters.
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