Review of Blue Sky

Blue Sky (1994)
very telling film regarding the effects of military life
1 February 2014
this film was very interesting from both a storytelling view as well as a peek at military life. when a man or woman becomes an officer, the behavior of his/her family is always scrutinized. what shines through this story is the belief that you love a person with all the highs and lows.

lange's performance of what appears to be a bipolar woman handling the stress of the military life is very accurate. people handle stress in different ways and hers is with her living out personal desires and dreams.

jones shows unflinching devotion to his family as the glue that holds it together. he juggles his wife's erratic behavior with stoic calm while at the same time attempts to help his daughters cope with the challenges of a new move, their mother's antics and their own coming of age.

it has been mentioned that the daughters make a viewer feel sorry for them. on the contrary, children are critical of their parents without having the maturity to understand why they do the things they do. that is what this film is about: maturity.

the surrounding characters are believable and provide the main characters the ability to play off their substance, whether it is a megalomaniac of a commanding officer or a forever forgiving wife of such a man. as I said previously, it is the maturity of the characters that show how each handles the changing situations presented to them. it is well worth the watch.
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