A rare treasure
12 January 2014
Very very well done !

First rate acting. Absolutely topnotch cinematography. These four scenes plainly, and immediately, capture the spirit of the book- as If George Orwell himself had directed it. It is as if you, yourself, were there.

It leaves the viewer wishing that the entire book could have been filmed !

Marshall Peterson clearly emulates the masters, but the piece is NOT derivative. The influence of Kubrick and Hitchcock, in particular though, seems apparent. Nevertheless, the feeling comes across that Marshall Peterson comes from a place of deep respect, even a certain reverence, for these men and the mood the were able to create. This is not a bad thing. I am certain that almost any great artist- of any kind- could point to those who went before them whose examples were inspirational- even pivotal.

All in all, I would love to see more from this skilled, and very capable, director. Again, WELL done !!
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