Non-spectacular giallo.
30 January 2014
"The Monster of Florence" by Cesare Ferrario is based on the original book of Mario Spezi "The Monster of Florence"(1983).The film tells the story of accomplished writer,who tries to write the book about elusive serial killer who murders couples having sex in cars/or tents.Il Mostro firsts shoots both victims,then sexually mutilates women post-mortem.In 1986 Camillo Teti directed the second giallo "The Killer Is Still Among Us",which is based on the same criminal mystery.Teti's film is far more graphic and explicit than Ferrario's "The Monster of Florence"."Il Mostro di Firenze" is relatively sleazy,but almost all the killings are off-screen and there is absolutely no sexual violence.Still the opening double murder sequence is quite vicious and is perhaps the most effective in entire film.There is some suspense plus a bit of sleazy sex for anyone interested,but I can recommend "Il Mostro di Firenze" only for undemanding giallo completists.
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