American Horror Story: Go to Hell (2014)
Season 3, Episode 12
With one episode left, all the "Delightful distractions" are gotten rid of so that only the question of who will be the Supreme will be featured for the final episode.
26 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Trigger Warning(s): Scenes of Torture and Gruesome Violence

As the coven comes to a decisive point in its history, the show begins to whittle down all the distractions which could take away from it. With this, most of the seasoned actors are put in a position where their roles seemingly will be dramatically reduced in the final, leaving just the young actresses.

Topic 1: "A Delightful Distraction" – The Fall of Marie Laveau

First things first, what happened to Marie since the last episode? Well, in the ultimate smack to her face and legacy, Marie ends up chopped up by Delphine. With this, Marie, for the most part, seems finished in the show. As for Delhpine, in a twist which makes Queenie sort of seem like a backstabber, and puts Marie in a position which makes coming back to the living world impossible, Queenie speaks with Papa Legba and speaks in a technical way about Marie's contract. For, with Marie in a position to not be able to fulfill her deal with Papa, Queenie convinces him to end Marie's immortality, which then ends Delphine's as well. So, giving Delphine one last chance to redeem herself, Queenie begs her to try to change her ways, but with false apologies not being Delphine's style, she doesn't seem for it, so Queenie kills her.

Post-Mortem, Delphine finds herself within one of her own cages, in her personal hell, and Marie has the tasks of torturing, not Delphine, but her children in front of her. But, perhaps what is sad is that Marie realizes where she is, and then realizes she shouldn't technically be there. But, despite the good Marie may have done for her people, giving them jobs and helping them with their personal revenge, we are reminded that she has to be punished too. For while she isn't as horrible as Delphine, she still did offer babies, only one of them her own, to Papa for immortality. So while she may not suffer as Delphine will, she will be forced to remain Papa's servant for eternity.

Topic 2: "A Delightful Distraction" – The Fall of Fiona Goode

With the possible contenders for the next supreme dwindled down to only Madison and Queenie, Fiona's plan of 30+ more years of vitality is but days away. But, as she continues to act like her final days are coming, her kindness toward Cordelia seems to bite her in the butt. Fiona, seemingly in goodwill, begins bestowing family heirlooms as she gives her daughter a pep talk. You see, despite re-blinding herself, Cordelia's powers of clairvoyance have yet to return. But, with kind, and encouraging, words from Fiona, they return at an ill opportune moment as Fiona touches the nape of Cordelia neck, revealing her master plan.

With this knowledge, of Fiona killing every single witch in the coven, outside Myrtle strangely, Cordelia formulates a new plan to get rid of her mother, in my opinion. Now, the reason I say "in my opinion," is because I cannot say, without question, if Cordelia knew that by telling the Axe man his plans of running away with Fiona would never happen, she didn't expect him to kill her.

Yes, you got it, the woman who, earlier in the episode, nearly chokes Queenie to death, and is the supreme, meets the same sad fate Delphi Trust did in the last episode. Somehow, those with nothing but a sharp edged blade are having a much easier time disposing of witches than a company which had billions of dollars and who knows how many trained soldiers. But, with Marie meeting a pitiful fate, perhaps it is poetic justice Fiona had a pitiful ending as well.

Topic 3: The One True Supreme

Leading to the heart of the season now being the last story: who will be the supreme? When the episode begins, we are finally told, point blank, what the seven wonders are and they are as follows (added are who have done the wonder): Telekinesis (Seen in all living but Zoe), Mind control (Madison & I believe Misty Day), teleportation (Madison), Divination (Cordelia), Moving life force – resurrection (Madison/ Zoe, Misty Day, and Queenie), Taking one's soul to the spirit world (Queenie), and lastly, Pyrokinesis (Madison).

In the episode, we see Madison teleport to get away from Cordelia touching her, which would reveal what Madison did; Cordelia's powers of Divination are shown by seeing through Myrtle's eyes at the end of the episode; and Queenie uses telekinesis to save Misty Day from her tomb, then revives Misty Day from death by transferring her life force. Also, Queenie transports her soul to the spirit world to speak with Papa Legba. So, as Cordelia notes, all of their collective powers are strengthening but, catch is, doing the 7 wonders can be fatal so while only one can succeed, many may die, and who knows, maybe they all will? Either way, we have a real battle royal once more with Misty Day being back, and I must admit it was nice to see her back, if only because she thoroughly whooped Madison's behind.


In all honesty, while the beginning of the season was quite strong and intriguing, as Marie started to come off as weak, the show began to falter and though it had the chance to bounce back with the Delphi Trust battle, once again it took a wild horse and beat it into submission. So really, at this point, the show doesn't really feel like it is coming to an epic conclusion but, like the rest of the seasons, it is ending because it knows it already pulled out all the tricks it could, and really it has nothing left, what so ever, to offer the viewer.
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