Exceptionally well made film which won an Oscar for Documentary Feature
26 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This Disney documentary won the Oscar the year it was released and I just watched it last night. There will be mild spoilers:

This is the story of Nautical, a jumping horse which was ridden by a member of the US Equestrian Team in competition. The nature of the story is such that much of the footage is either a recreation or a dramatic exaggeration of fact. When the actor Slim Pickens can be easily recognized playing a cowboy on the ranch in an early scene, it's fairly obvious that portions have been staged.

Regardless, this is an enjoyable and entertaining film which is fascinating in its own right, whatever license may have been taken with the story. The show jumping footage at the end is clearly real footage of competition, as it isn't nearly as well-lit as most of the rest of the film. The presentation footage at the end is also taken from the real event for the most part, with one or two shots inter-cut for effect.

This film is available on DVD through the Disney Movie Club as an exclusive release. The print looks good and is well worth watching. Most recommended.
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