Believe or not...
24 January 2014
I have waited nearly 30 years for the pine trees in my yard to evolve into peach trees...still waiting. Evolutionist never show stages similar to the monkey to man of a cell to a rhinoceros or a cell to a giraffe or a peacock or a whale or spiders or fleas or snakes. And, every evolutionist is a pure racist because their chart of the stages of monkey to man undoubtedly leads to black people being closer to monkeys while white people are allegedly moving to a higher stage. But, those who hold to intelligent design do not accept the corrupt logic of the racist evolutionists. And, micro-biology, not available to Darwin, blows their theory away, as noted in the utterly fantastic book, Darwin's Black Box, by Michael Behe. The one-star ratings are raving rants and not objective observations.
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