The Tomorrow People: Girl, Interrupted (2013)
Season 1, Episode 3
We don't help humans
23 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There's a pleasing attempt to throw in some other elements here but sadly the plot line ends up traipsing through the usual situations:The Tomorrow People are all heartless jerks apart from Stephen, Jedekiah is even more heartless and quotes Stalin, then just as we're thinking they seem no better than each other the TPs have a change of heart and do the right thing.Astrid's involvement is okay but it's a shame the moment of her learning about Stephen's powers gets delayed, even though she's seen him teleport and he's already told her once.

The Tomorrow People vs Ultra agents fight is typically disappointing:We get one use of telekinesis, then it's just punches and kicks.The revelation of how Stephen saved Cara is a nicely triumphant moment but it's a shame they weren't brave enough to take Cara's powers away, at least temporarily, just to see how everyone would cope.

The flashbacks to Cara's past, in which Peyton List makes the least convincing teenager in a show full of unconvincing teenagers, don't really provide much insight, apart from making a clumsy parallel between her and Emily, and don't entirely seem sure what they're trying to say:The episode seems to imply Cara's family rejected her because of her powers but that's not actually what happened.
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