Big History (2013– )
A massive exposition on the history of the universe
22 January 2014
Some would say this show bites off more than it can chew - it attempts to explain the entire history of the universe from the big bang to present day and how this all relates to our history and livelihood. To understand the fundamental principles presented here you need good foundational science knowledge. It glosses over plenty of details, undoubtedly to cater to a wider audience and keep scenes moving.

But for all the glossing this show presents some impressively forward thinking concepts. How this series synthesizes knowledge for the viewer and 'connects the dots' so to speak makes for highly interesting historical narrative.

Big history focuses on the 'thresholds' matter and life itself went through to lead to our existence today. There are a number they go through and most every piece provides enlightening insight to how seemingly insignificant events had profound impacts on our evolution and history.

At the end of the day this show presents a simplified saga on the history of our everchanging universe and how it all relates to us.This is a vital topic every kid and adult should learn about. For those who don't know this series is made by the same people behind the 'Big History' academic project, funded partly by Bill Gates.

I give the series a 10/10 simply for how well it presents (and for actually presenting) the profound subject of our dynamic, ever changing and highly interconnected universe.
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