Blue Collar (1978)
A very smart movie worth watching, even if you think it won't interest you
20 January 2014
This is a great example of the movie makers art. I had no interest in the subject matter, but within minutes I was interested, and within the half hour I was hooked. By the second half I was engrossed in the characters and the story line. The ending cleverly became a self-fulfilling prophecy - The Man want's to put you in your place, and you'll fall for it every time.

There is a lot of profanity in this movie but Richard Pryor is in his element. This is the world of the blue collar worker, warts and all. This movie does a great job in highlighting the best of the life these guys have, but worse, it shows the quiet desperation these men are forced to endure every day and how easily they can be manipulated. These deeper themes do not bog the movie down, fortunately, its depth is hidden behind a good story and top performances from Pryor, Keitel and Kotto.

A great movie will keep you intrigued while viewing it and thinking about it afterwards, regardless of the subject matter. Blue Collar is just such a movie, and I recommend making the effort to watch it if you get a chance.
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