Bonanza: The Fear Merchants (1960)
Season 1, Episode 20
Fitting Show for Today
20 January 2014
Today it MLK Day, and what a fitting show to review! The Fear Merchants focuses on racial prejudice, but not prejudice against blacks like today's holiday; but prejudice against Chinese. When the Cartwright's cook is beaten, they have blood in their eyes, but they know that nothing can really be done unless they can catch the men red-handed.

It's also Jimmy Chang's eighteenth birthday. The store owner is scared of the hard cowboy that doesn't want Jimmy to have a happy birthday. Ben comes in and forces the store merchant to sell him the items requested. But I'm afraid a happy birthday just isn't going to happen for Jimmy this year. Tragedy happens inside a barn to a father and his two daughters. The father is scared of the truth, so tells everybody (except his shady lawyer who's running for mayor) that Jimmy is guilty of the crime.

The episode does a good job at showing racial tension and how those who fear the "stronger" men will give in even though they know it's not right. Hatred for "non-Americans" ran high in Virginia City. There didn't seem to be too many people who liked or even tolerated the Chinese, except for the Cartwrights, who of course put everything to right!

3 dead.
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