Review of In Too Deep

The Tomorrow People: In Too Deep (2013)
Season 1, Episode 2
Keep on running
15 January 2014
The first six minutes of this episode are quite enjoyable...then Luke Mitchell turns up and reminds us that he really can't act at all.His attempt at being angry is enough to yank the audience right out of the episode.(He does get to take his shirt off and show why he was cast though.)Fortunately, Stephen is developing into a much more likable protagonist:It's a huge disappointment that hiding in the sewers seems to be the whole of John's plan but thankfully it doesn't take long for him to get proactive.

Stephen teleporting to school is a nice old school moment but elsewhere the power seems to be very underused, making these Tomorrow People seem less powerful than their predecessors.Why do they all come at Kurt from one direction instead of teleporting to the other end of the alley?Why can't Stephen teleport into the loft space?

The large amount of Tomorrow People is already making the fact that the main characters do everything seem contrived and the show's already running out of ways to involve human friend Astrid in the plot.The Jedekiah plot seems to be the whole premise of the show and is unlikely to go anywhere soon but at least Stephen and Cara seem to be showing some decent character development.
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