A Serious Disappointment
13 January 2014
In one of his interviews, the writer admitted that they went further with this movie, as a result of already having an audience. And it showed.

This movie is over the top in the most predictable way. Gone is any sort of believability, gone is the tasteful pacing, gone is the Anchorman story we loved. This was a movie intended for one purpose: "let's make as many ridiculous jokes as we possibly can." And I admit, why not? If you know that you're going to make an insane amount of money, no matter how good the movie is or isn't.

Sure, there were some hilarious scenes. I laughed hard at times. But this movie rode upon the shoulders of the first, and in no way was a worthy successor. As with most sequels, they thought they could get away with anything. For now, it's just a funny movie, but Anchorman 2 will not stand the test of time like Anchorman will. Of course any fan of the original will see it once, but once you've seen it, its watchability has been dated. I might see it one more time in my life, but this really was disappointing.

Maybe asking for an equal to the first was asking for too much. All I know is that I walked out of the theatre smiling, but shaking my head at how much wider that smile could have been.
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