Ring the Bell (2013)
Good movie with a clear presentation of the Gospel
12 January 2014
Got this from my sister for Christmas and my wife and I really enjoyed it which is why I am reviewing this after one reviewer had very little good to say about this movie.

You cannot compare a movie like this with Hollywood and the budgets they work with. God's simple message of Salvation in Christ does not and should not be about the latest and greatest effects out there. Moses spoke with a speech impediment, the disciples all ran and hid when Jesus was arrested and Peter denied him 3 times. All this to say the movie was made on a shoe string budget but did a good job with what God provided and I really want to stress what God provided. To complain about this by saying it had a good Gospel message but the quality is poor is saying God did not provide the best.

Let's compare this with other Christian movies, some do have a higher quality and some don't but the what does God want. God in my opinion is using this movie. The disciples came to Jesus and said a man had been casting out demons in Jesus name and they told Jesus they told the man to stop, Jesus told them to leave the man alone as he who is with us is not against us.

Forget glitz and glamour, those things kill, but the Gospel is the Power of God unto Salvation.

If you have a hang up on the quality, it may be that you are self centered and this message needs to be reviewed once more.
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