Sissy Spacek and Whoopi Goldberg are always good to watch, together awesome.
9 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The Long Walk Home is a movie principally geared for those who want to see a perspective of US history in the mid 19950s whereby Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat. School children, 9 years and up, should see it with an adult. The movie's pace is slow and deliberate. Yet, it takes the time to work out the characters' thoughts and feeling about the bus issue. Rosa Parks in my mind has always been a hero for this action. For a woman of her age to perform a righteous act in lieu of an unrighteous law is something to admire. We are all equal in the eyes of God and the law. This is what Rosa Parks was trying to establish in her own way. The movie held my attention and truly discusses differing viewpoints of the time. Sissy Spacek and Whoopi Goldberg are always good to watch, together awesome. This is a movie best watched in the afternoons or late at night. Primetime movies are better for non-serious entertainment. No popcorn here. Serious attention and thought for this movie only.
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