Paranoia Agent (2004–2005)
One of the most absurd, illogical, disturbing, over rated movie I ever watch
4 January 2014
I'm not consider myself to be a "shallow" audience who only like simple, thoughtless movie. I enjoy sciences of sleep, pan labyrinth, meeting John Malkovich, and other absurd imaginative movie. And I also consider myself to be anime appreciator, Cowboy Bebop is one of my most favorite I already watched it for more than 5 time.

But Paranoia agent is too much for me, not because it is too deep, or too thoughtful,or too intelligence but because it is too stupid and ridiculous. I'm confuse after watching this movie not because the complexity of its meaning but because it have no meaning at all in conclusion. Early episode seems promising but when it is reach to episode 5 things going too nasty from there, my mind is tired not because I feel the author playing with my mind or blow up my mind hardly, but because I feel the author actually fooling my mind with his over wild yet childish imagination.

However the early episode seems stunning and solid yet very very very disturbing (but I'm alright with that as long as it have something to offer), it seems fruitful and promising, but as the series goes I know it all just a pseudo it just a fake impression of intellect. The author lost his creativity and ruining whole of it. I really feel that I already waste my life time by watching this film. Don't be fool with the appreciation of the fan boy regarding this movie, because this is the very reason I watch this movie with high expectation.

But it really ruin my mood, my time and energy. Unless you want to do experiment on watching a weird illogical movie, don't watch this especially if you want movie that at least have a thin ground of logic as its foundation, but it have everything inside it except logic, it totally absent on it. If I have to picture this movie with one word it will be: sick!
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