Kathleen Hanna seems like a really beautiful, strong and admirable woman.
29 December 2013
'THE PUNK SINGER': Four Stars (Out of Five)

Documentary film about Kathleen Hanna; an iconic punk singer, poet and feminism activist. The film combines archive footage (of Hanna, her band members, people close to her and the many musicians and fans that she's inspired) with interviews (of mostly the same people) filmed in 2010 and 2011. It was directed by first time feature film director Sini Anderson and features many popular musicians (in recent interview footage) like Joan Jett and Adam Horovitz (of 'Beastie Boys' fame, who Hanna married). Not knowing much about Hanna (and being a big fan of punk music) I found the movie to be very informative and interesting.

The movie follows Hanna's career from her beginnings as a spoken word poet, through her fronting two bands ('Bikini Kill' and 'Le Tigre') to her solo musical career (as Julie Ruin). It examines the impact she had on the punk music scene, as well as her many feminism causes, and how she helped start the 'riot grrrl' movement. We see awesome video of her bands performing live as well as fascinating behind the scenes footage and involving interviews. Through the movie fans can learn about her troubled childhood (for the first time) as well as why she suddenly quit music (and the medical diagnosis behind it).

I love punk music and seeing Hanna perform (in this movie) I know I could be a big fan of hers and her bands. I also think she seems like a really beautiful, strong and admirable woman and when people like her develop a big following (and really inspire many others) that's always a good thing. So I really enjoyed learning about Hanna, and her music, in this movie. Had I already been a fan of hers, and known a lot of the information given in this film, I can't say I probably would have enjoyed it as much. The subject matter is fascinating but Anderson has a few more things to learn about directing and putting together a movie. Still, for a debut film, she didn't do a bad job. I was definitely entertained.

Watch our movie review show 'MOVIE TALK' at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYWAOd_o4Sk
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